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The toughest book so far (or, Going off half-cocked)

Midnight on 31st January 2016 has been on my mind since the middle of last year. That’s because, after my wife Kerry accepted a posting to Bangkok, Thailand, I approached my publisher and asked for my 30th November 2015 deadline to be extended by a couple of months. I knew that the shift to Thailand (effective 16th November) would make meeting my 30th November deadline impossible. My editor Jo Fletcher agreed (bless her!); so 31st January 2016 became the new red-circle date on my calendar.

It’s Always Really About Ourselves

Hi All - this was actually written some time ago, for the Jo Fletcher Books website, and I agreed not to publish it online until they had done so - it then got caught up with Christmas/New Year so only just got posted last week. So apologies if it feels slightly dated...

Quest Creep (or; how characters evolve, change or just wander off)

So, you start a series of books, and you’ve got a plan. Your pivotal events have been envisaged, and then carefully plotted to happen in a logical way. Revelations and twists all get sequenced in, and you try and imagine each scene from everyone’s point of view, so they work naturally.

Ends are Beginnings

Ascendant’s Rite is about to hit the bookshelves, completing The Moontide Quartet. As you can probably imagine I’m pretty excited by that, as well as lots of other emotions. Relief, to finally complete the series to the satisfaction of my publisher and editor, Jo Fletcher. And to meet my own very high expectations of what it should be. There were a hell of a lot of open threads by the end of Book Three, and I don’t think I was alone in wondering how I’d get them all tied up and resolved. Well, we got there, and did them justice too!

Why I love... The Belgariad, by David Eddings

When I first started reading fantasy (and to a lesser extent sci-fi), I loved it, of course: the wonderful sense of being transported to another realm, the heroic challenges and the sense that anything was possible. But the initial books I read were very serious.

Why I love... The Drawing of the Dark, by Tim Powers

The first time we experience something, the more powerful it's effect on us. This is true of many things: new love, broken hearts, deaths, the first time we achieve something special for ourselves. I think it's also that way with books, or a piece of music or art.


2020 Mar  296  1
2019 Oct  30  1
2019 Mar  194  1
2019 Feb  49  1
2018 Nov  60  1
2018 Oct  40  1
2018 Sep  147  1
2017 Aug  239  1
2017 Mar  386  1
2017 Feb  314  1
2016 May  140  1
2016 Apr  50  1
2016 Feb  294  1
2016 Jan  62  1
2015 Dec  144  2
2015 Nov  678  1
2015 Aug  157  1
2015 Jul  117  3
2015 Jun  60  1
2015 May  172  2
2015 Apr  118  1
2015 Mar  115  2
2015 Jan  580  2
2014 Dec  871  2
2014 Nov  45  1
2014 Oct  62  1
2014 Jul  112  1

