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The Joys of Research, (or, Dipping into Serendipity Land)

I always seem to start these blogs with an apology for tardiness, so let's skip that. Take it as written and read. These past few weeks I've been knee deep in the muck of the trenches, Western Front, 1916. I've spent so much time reading about the ghastly conditions the soldiers endured that my body went out in sympathy; I got ulcers, a sty in my right eye and a head cold. Fortunately no trench-foot, or lice, and no-one is laying artillery barrages on my house.

Trope-farming (or, Clichés and why they work)

Hi there! April was a heck of a month with four weekends out of town including ten days in Australia. Lovely time catching up with friends and family. As you can imagine, not so much writing time, but I'm back in Auckland now, feet under desk, ready to work.

Hugo said "You Go" (or, the perils of democratic awards)

"The Hugo Awards are a set of awards given annually for the best science fiction or fantasy works and achievements of the previous year". That's the first sentence on their Wikipedia page (which illustrates the depth of my research: hey, I'm busy with meeting two book deadlines!).

Status Update!!! (but no selfies)

So, it's the new year, and the weather's been lovely so we've had a few barbeques and dinner parties. At one of them, someone asked me whether being a writer was like in the movies, which she characterised as follows:

Teenage Intensity (or, New Year: new procrastination method)

So, it's now 2015 - Happy New Year to you, reader! - and I'm reloading most of my CDs onto iTunes. Before you condemn this as some kind of new procrastination activity (now that I've deleted Minesweeper from my computer), I have valid reasons: I originally uploaded my CD collection on 128 bitrate which has led to some thin sounding reproduction when my ipod is hooked to the stereo, which (here's the clincher) annoys my good wife. I'm doing it for her. That's not procrastinating, not in the slightest...

Last versus First (or, the Post-Deadline Blues)

It's THAT time of year: I finished the manuscript for Ascendant's Rite (Book Four of the Moontide Quartet), right on deadline day - 30th November 2014 - and sent it off to Jo Fletcher, my Publisher-Editor-Goddess. Job done . . . sort of. Now comes the waiting!


2020 Mar  296  1
2019 Oct  30  1
2019 Mar  194  1
2019 Feb  49  1
2018 Nov  60  1
2018 Oct  40  1
2018 Sep  147  1
2017 Aug  239  1
2017 Mar  386  1
2017 Feb  314  1
2016 May  140  1
2016 Apr  50  1
2016 Feb  294  1
2016 Jan  62  1
2015 Dec  144  2
2015 Nov  678  1
2015 Aug  157  1
2015 Jul  117  3
2015 Jun  60  1
2015 May  172  2
2015 Apr  118  1
2015 Mar  115  2
2015 Jan  580  2
2014 Dec  871  2
2014 Nov  45  1
2014 Oct  62  1
2014 Jul  112  1

